Claude 3.5 Sonnet: Use Cases for real projects

Author: Pouya Eti

Claude 3.5 Sonnet sets new industry benchmarks for graduate-level reasoning (GPQA), undergraduate-level knowledge (MMLU), and coding proficiency (HumanEval). It shows marked improvement in grasping nuance, humor, and complex instructions, and is exceptional at writing high-quality content with a natural, relatable tone.


I have been using Claude 3.5 Sonnet for some time now and in this blog post I am going to share my experience with you and all the good & bad things about it, all the stuff we can do with it and so on.


Let's begin with saying it is obvious Claude 3.5 Sonnet is much smarter and in some cases better than ChatGPT 4.o. If you use both after sometime you can feel the difference yourself. In this post I will go though all the features and abilities of Claude 3.5 sonnet.


Claude 3.5 Sonnet

First I begin with access, similar to ChatGPT 4.o, Claude 3.5 Sonnet also available for free accounts but with limited useage. So to understand this AI better I spent several days working with it, pushing it to the point it can't complete a task so I can understand it's abilities better. I looked online for some videos and materials other made for Claude 3.5 Sonnet to see what they did with it. But for me the real life projects and tasks are more important than the things that may not come usfull at all. So I made a list of the project I tried to make with Claude 3.5 Sonnet and the limit of logic and understanding I got with it.

1. Learning: Interactive PDF Dashboard

You can use Claude 3.5 Sonnet to create interactive PDF dashboard that summerize and teaches you all the important information inside a given pdf. You can even ask it to create multiple choice questions so you can practice and test your knowledge on the given topic.

Here is the first prompt I used to get an interactive pdf dashboard.


Create an interactive PDF dashboard to help me understand, test and learn this information in more visual way.


The prompt above gave me the result below which is really interesting result in 1 prompt.

So I usually spend some time developing the result, adding new features and fixing some bugs and finaly I got to the result below which was much better and engaging comparing to the first result.

Interactive PDF dashboard for learning made by Claude 3.5 Sonnet



2. Data Analysis: Converting csv to graphs

You can use Claude to do data analysis in 2 main steps. First it is better to upload your csv file which include your data (it is also suggested to clean it) and ask claude to convert your csv file into json using the prompt below:

Prompt: i want you to convert this csv file into json


Then in the section step ask Claude to tonvert the json file into interactive charts and graphs using the prompt mentioned below.


Prompt: I want you to create several interactive charts and graphs that explain the information of the json file, with animations.


And here is the result of a csv file which include 3 products order numbers and sales for 10 days. Inside the result linked below you can see all the data on interactive graphs which can make the process of understanding it easier.


CSV file converted into interactive graphs and charts by Claude 3.5 Sonnet



3. Web Coding: UI Design to Code

The next use case which is really impressive is to convert a UI design by uploading an image on Claude 3.5 Sonnet and use a perfect prompt to convert it to real website by writing all the required codes. So I started with the prompt below and used a screenshot of my website which gave me something for beginning. My website: website screenshot


Prompt: I want you to write html/css/js code to create the ui design below.



But as you can see the result above, sadly it didn't make what I wanted, it just wrote the html code which didn't look so well. So I kept working on it until I get to somethign almost similar to the image I uplaoded. 



UI design converted into website html/css code by Claude 3.5 Sonnet


Now, I want to teach you a technique that can help you write a better prompt as the first step and get a better result based on your needs. When you work on a task inside Claude 3.5 and after several prompts you get to the result you want, you can ask Claude to write a prompt for you that delivers the same result in one try. 

The prompt you receive will make your work easier for the future tasks. For example, for this task converting UI design to website code I tried it and received the prompt below.


Please create precise HTML and CSS code to replicate the following UI design:

[Insert image or detailed description of the UI design]

Your response should include:

  1. A complete HTML structure with appropriate semantic tags.
  2. Inline CSS within a <style> tag in the <head> section.
  3. Accurate color schemes, using hex codes where possible.
  4. Proper layout structure (e.g., flexbox, grid) matching the design.
  5. Responsive design considerations if applicable.
  6. Placeholder content for text and images, closely matching the original design's layout and proportions.
  7. Any necessary icons or visual elements, using Unicode characters or simple CSS shapes if custom icons aren't available.
  8. Hover states and basic interactivity where appropriate.

Please focus on pixel-perfect recreation of the visual design, including spacing, typography, and overall layout. If any aspects of the design are unclear or require assumptions, please state your interpretations clearly.

After providing the code, briefly explain your approach to recreating key aspects of the design, and note any areas where you had to make assumptions or creative decisions.


I tried the prompt above on 2 different random design I got online and you can see the results below with just one try 😌.

Result 1:

Result 2:



4. Game Coding: Create a complex game using python

Probably you have seen a lot of videos that people use Claude to create a simple game in one or two prompts. I also tried to create different games and the best of them was Sudoko which got to a good level after spending 10 minutes and 6 prompts developing it with Claude 3.5.

The prompt is simple all you need to do is to mention what type of game do you want Claude make using pythin and then little by little improve it. Then you can paste the python code in VScode and the run it.



Sudoko game written by python and created by Claude 3.5 Sonnet



5. Marketing & Sales: Lead Funnel

It's time to test Claude 3.5 for marketing purposes. I asked Claude to create a complete lead funnel with diagram to convert YouTube subscribers and visitors into email leads so later we can do email marketing. I just took one prompt to prepare the funnel, and Claude first created a file which included all the steps of the funnel as a text, then it created a complete diagram which you can view it using the link below.

Prompt: I have a website selling online educational courses about digital marketing. I want you to help me to create a lead funnel to capture email leads from Youtube. I want you to use cognitive biases of marketing (like reward tendency, scarcity, ...) and create a complete well-thought lead funnel planning every possible scenario and steps. Finally create the diagram for it.


lead funnel diagram created by Claude 3.5 Sonnet



6. System Architecture: For a Tool or App

Another usecase of CLaude 3.5 is to ask it to create system architecture for a tool or app you want to create. Similar to the previous usecase it will create a diagram but this diagram showes the architecture of the app from front-end all the way to back-end and databases. For example, in the prompt below I asked CLaude to create a system architecture for a tool I want to create on my django website, and the result was really good.


Prompt: create a system architecture for a tool on a django website. This is a productivity tool that let registered users to use pomodoro technique and record their working and resting time duration and then receive feedbacks and analysis on their productivity, on daily basis.


system arcitecture for app or tool made by claude 3.5 sonnet



7. Live Tools/Apss: Creating Analyzer Tool

Now this use case is my favorite. During this part we are going to create an app that we can run it on artifacts, so we will create an app that will review or blog post and analyze it, then it will tell us how we can improve it and provide detail analization. Here is the first prompt I wrote for CLaude 3.5 and after adding 2 more prompts I got to improve it to a great state.


Prompt: create a tool for SEO that let me to past my blog post article and write my industry (also if you think any other field here is helpful for SEO analysis you can add it), then add a place where I can add the keywords I want to rank in with a button that let me add more keywords. Then add an analyze button and reset. When I click on analyze it should analyze my blog post article from SEO perspective and provide deep analysis and then some suggestion on how I can improve the article.

And at the end based on the suggestion add a button that it generates a new part for the article.



seo analyzer app made by claude 3.5 sonnet working on artifact


It is really impressive to be able to create such a tool in only 3 prompts. Imagine if you spend several hours on a project what you can achieve. Especially when it is running on artifact and you don't need to be worry about hosting it. You can even send it to firends or users, so they can also use the great tool you created.


So these were the seven use cases of Claude 3.5 Sonnet that we can benefit from in real life projects. I hope you found it useful and enjoyn using these strategies to improve your projects.


Believe in yourself

Pouya Eti