Find Your Niche in Digital Marketing

Author: Pouya Eti

Before we had mentioned this chapter which is very important in digital marketing especially when you want to work on other companies. Because knowing Digital marketing and marketing strategies is not just going to be enough to bring success to a business. You need to know about that business, whatever it is. SO it is important to select a niche which both you liked it and you can make money from. So together we will learn some strategies to find your niche.



5 steps to find what you like the most

Several years ago I learned these 5 steps or better to say 5 questions from my mentor. It usually shows the right niche for you depending on who you are. Take your time to answer the questions below and really think about the answers. It is very important to find what is the right fit for you.

  • What did you grow up around?
  • What have you been doing over the past 10 years?
  • What did you like to become when you were 15-18 years old?
  • What can you & like to talk about when you are not working?
  • What your enemies will compliment you on?

Think about the questions above and try to come up with answers. Then look at all 5 answers and try to make a list of things that you like to do a lot.



What is profitable

On the previous part, we talked about what is good for you and what you like to do the most. During this part, we have to create a list of businesses that are around you and making money.

  • What businesses are around you that are/look successful?
  • Ask people around you what they spend their money on?
  • Search online

By answering the questions above you can create another list which is about profitable businesses. Answering these questions can become a bit tricky but you have to do your best to come up with reasonable answers.




The reason that we are looking after businesses which already are making money is that if they can’t pay themselves they can’t pay you either.

Select your niche

Now that we know what are the topics that you like to do and what are the businesses that are making money. It is time to select your niche. Look at both lists and try to choose one major field which both you like it and it is a profitable business. Spend some time here and make sure the niche you are going to select is the right choice for you. Because we are going to build your social media marketing agency based on this niche.

Yes, later you can change your niche but it will be a bit harder and you have to redo some of the steps along the way.

Master it

Now that you have selected your niche it is important to grow your knowledge in that field if it is not. You must

  • Learn how these businesses are working
  • Read some books about them
  • Make research and find out why some of these businesses are more successful than others
  • Find the top 10 companies in the world in your niche, learn everything about them
  • Listen to podcasts about your niche
  • Find professionals in this field and learn from them, follow what they did and do

The more you know about your niche, the more successful you will be in your social media marketing agency.